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Case Details

Case Code: LAW012
Case Length: 6 Pages 
Period: 2017    
Pub Date: 2017
Teaching Note: Not Available
Price: Rs.300
Organization : -
Industry : Infrastructure/ Construction/ Public Private Partnerships
Countries : India, any Country of PPP with NHAI
Themes: Contractual Rights
Case Studies  
Business Strategy
Human Resource Management
IT and Systems
Leadership & Entrepreneurship

Soma Isolux National Highway Project: Reinforcing the Rights of a Contractor

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India, the second largest road network country in the world, had a total coverage of 4.7 million kilometers that included national highways, state highways, expressways, major district roads, and other village roads. With the objective of expanding the national highways in India, the NHAI was established as a nodal agency of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH) under the National Highways Authority Act, 1988, and was made responsible for the development, maintenance, and management of the highways Hence, the NHAI was entrusted with the responsibility of implementing National Highway Development Projects (NHDP) spread over seven different phases .

The NHAI proposed to develop and maintain the NH-1 Project under Phase V of the NHDP and entrusted the project to Soma to be undertaken by a JVC of Soma Isolux Group comprising Soma Enterprises Ltd. and ISOLUX Corsan of Spain. Soma Enterprises Ltd....

Law Case Studies | Case Study in Management, Operations, Strategies, Business Environment, Case Studies
Law Case Studies | Case Study in Management, Operations, Strategies, Business Environment, Case Studies
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